Peer Editing
After viewing all the information that was given in the instructions. I made some notes on what to look for while reading my group members blog's. I enjoyed reading everybody's different ideas on the last blog, I enjoyed reading what fears and questions they had about EDM 310, but most of all I enjoyed reading the post they made about themselves, and how great teachers they want to become. My one of my group members in particular had a few errors, nothing that reading over their blog wouldn't fix. I believe that each of them had clarity in their blogs, I understood the point they were trying to get across. I do not think I would share with my group members publicly their mistakes, just because in my opinion I cannot stand someone who calls people out for their grammar. I've never known a teacher who publicly announce a grammar problem with a student out loud. for the most part if you write a paper your teacher makes comments on what they believed to be wrong on your paper, privately and not for everyone to see or hear. If I had to use our rubric our group made to grade my group members, they all would receive good, because we all are not perfect and some mistakes were made.
What Have I Learned
This wasn't the first time, I've heard of peer reviews or editing. This is not the first time I have had to comment on a peer's post. Although this isn't a first for me, taking my time and actually thinking about what to review and how to properly do so is. After reviewing the information given to me in the instructions, I have learned that in order to help someone become better at whatever it is they are striving to do, some positive criticism is the correct way to go. I learned the rules in how to properly editing a peers post, paper or work. I know now that there are 3 rules to doing so, 1.) Give compliments on your peers work, state what you liked, what you thought was interesting, and even how you related to it. 2.) Suggestions on how they could word a sentence better so that the consistency of their post continues on. 3.) Correction, although nobody likes for their work to be corrected, we all make mistakes and who better to help you then someone your age, possibly making the same mistakes as you.
I really enjoyed the video Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes I loved the examples they gave. I too have been a Whatever Warren, and a off-task Oliver. The students in this presentation touched on all the things not to do when peer reviewing. The students taught us how to approach different situations when editing. We all have had to work with someone that we didn't want to work with. Sometimes we all can be rude and think we know it all when it comes to grammar, especially those of us going into the education field. I like the examples the power point gave about how to tell a peer to correct a sentence.
I can understand how Paige felt after reading someones post, you don't want to put yourself in that position of correcting someone and you don't know how that person will take it, or if they will be offended by it. I feel like now I have a better understanding on how to edit and review my peers post, I know that if I word my opinion in the correct way then it will only be received as help. I still don't think I would be able to publicly let someone know that they have grammatical errors, I think I would do better informing them privately through email. Nobody wants to be a negative Nancy, or to be known as the person who is always correcting someone on their grammar. I know people like that personally and hate to be around them.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Blog Post #2
Mr. Dancealot
I took an education class last semester where we learned how to square dance. The instructor began by only giving notes on how to do the dance. I’ve never square danced in my life so just telling me how to do so was a no go for me. Before I could even ask if we could be shown an example, my teacher got up from her desk and took one of my classmates as a volunteer and gave us an example on how the dance should be performed. After practicing the steps and us working close together, me someone who has never performed this dance, was able to do so and teach someone else the steps. The central message in this video was that, you not only have to give out the facts of a lesson, but be also teach your class the skills to use with the facts. The instructor in this video simply gave his students the facts, and only demonstrated the skill from behind a desk where they were not able to see him. How can you teach someone anything that you are not willing to practice with them yourself? We as teachers have to understand that teaching is not just giving someone the steps, but also performing these steps with our class, and practicing these steps with our students. I cannot stand to be in a classroom with a teacher who only reads the notes they made, I would rather have a teacher whom will hold my attention and make learning this skill fun for me. The author in this scenario makes his case very clear, because at the end of the video or in this case “class” when the time came to perform for the final exam none of the students can do the dance. How can I perform an action that was only read to me not practiced? Instead the steps should have been read off and then practiced with each student. The conculison of this video in my opinion was very head on. The conclusion was that if you don’t teach the skill behind the facts of a lesson, then your class will never be able to use this skill out in the real world.
Teaching in the 21st Century
Kevin Roberts
When I was a child, the most interesting thing to do was go outside, ride a bike, play with your friends, and watch TV. Now the most interesting thing to do is get on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Now let’s be clear, I’m addicted to all three of those social sites, but should our kids be. In this video, I think Roberts is trying to teach us that the very things we shame kids for being on are the very things to help them learn. I watched this video twice, the second time around I learned more. The one thing that stuck out to me the most was the quote “Teachers are no longer the main source of knowledge, we are the filters” was something that made me think. When I first saw this quote, I thought to myself that this isn’t true. The second time around it more sense, with all this technology in the world we aren’t the only ones teaching our children, but we filter the things they learn somewhere else. Roberts is simply teaching us that children learn in so many places, they can learn and access knowledge anywhere, any place, at anytime. With sites like Google any question or any word you don’t know you can simply Google it. Roberts points this out in the very beginning of the video. We as teachers have to learn how to teach our students to use these different resources, because who doesn’t Google. When we have questions as adults about things we don’t know the answers too we simply pull out our phones, or computers and Google the question. We should be able to teach our kids the same thing, we should teach them how to research questions they don’t know the answers to on their own. Roberts teaches us that we need to rethink the tools we use on a daily basis and how could they become a helping tool in the classroom. I think that what Roberts is debating is true, with all the technology in the world today why not use it to our advantage. This again touches on teaching skills, not just facts. I think that this will affect my teaching future in many ways, I as a teacher will need to be able to teach my students how to use their devices they have at home to be creative and solve problems given to them. Not just look for the answer but research and know why that is the correct answer with the very things and websites they use on a daily basis.
The Networked Student
Wendel Drexel
In this video the question asked is, why does a student who knows how to use every resource given to him needs a teacher. The answer to this question is that his teacher is the one that, guides him in the right direction, pushes him when things don’t seem to make sense anymore, teaches him how to determine what information is useful and what information is propaganda. This answer takes me back to the quote made in Teaching in the 21st Century, “Teachers are no longer the main source of knowledge, we are the filters. The teacher of this students allows him to use his resources, gives him guidance on how to use these resources but doesn’t just flat out give him the answer. The student sees the passion in how his teacher wants him to be able to use the facts that she gave him and turn them into a skill for him to use in his future. I believe every teacher should have that same passion and effect on their students. Your students should be able to tell others that you pushed them to be the best and do their very best in the long run.
Harness Your Student’s Digital Smarts
Vicki Davis
In this video Davis’s main idea or thesis is that, if you only use one way of learning only one type of student will learn. I would have to say that I absouletly agree with her. This in my opinion high fives the statement that you cannot just teach facts, you have to teach skills to go along with those facts. This teacher has gone above and beyond the simple ways of teaching to inspire her students to come to school each day and want to learn. I think she made a very valid point when she stated that students find it more interesting when they are able to figure things out on their own and teach a teacher. She stated that most teachers feel like they need to know everything before they begin teaching, when you should be open minded and learn along with you students. Anybody who has the attitude that they know it all, won’t be able to help those students who don’t learn the same way they do. I’ve learned along the way that not all people learn alike, while some of us need notes, there is always that one student who can remember by simply listening. If we don’t learn the same as our peers why should we teach our students all the same. Davis allows her students to research what they don’t know on their own, she says she shouldn’t have to tell them everything, she wants them to be able to use the resources available to them and determine the correct answer all on their own.
Flipping the Classroom
Flipping the classroom was new to me, I had never heard of it. After learning exactly what it was and how it works, I am a little stuck in the middle. In one way I think this idea has been around sending home instructions with a student and having a parent go over it with their child and the child then coming back with questions to ask has been going on for years. Even the students who don’t have computers at home but, are able to use the computers in the classroom does that not defeat the entire purpose of it not being flipped. The statement that its less boring and more fun to watch your teacher at home instead of in the classroom to me isn’t true, there are more distractions at home then there is at school, but that’s just my opinion. In other ways I can completely see how this will work, students will be allowed to use different resources to answer their own questions before they come to class. Even if the students still don’t understand then they will have time to ask the questions and properly use the resources in the classroom along with their teacher to help determine the correct answer to their question. To some students it may be exciting to see their teacher in a video and use their devices at home to see and do their class work. So you see where I’m stuck, I don’t think as a future teacher I would use this idea in my classroom, but I don’t see why someone else’s would it may just in fact work for them.
I took an education class last semester where we learned how to square dance. The instructor began by only giving notes on how to do the dance. I’ve never square danced in my life so just telling me how to do so was a no go for me. Before I could even ask if we could be shown an example, my teacher got up from her desk and took one of my classmates as a volunteer and gave us an example on how the dance should be performed. After practicing the steps and us working close together, me someone who has never performed this dance, was able to do so and teach someone else the steps. The central message in this video was that, you not only have to give out the facts of a lesson, but be also teach your class the skills to use with the facts. The instructor in this video simply gave his students the facts, and only demonstrated the skill from behind a desk where they were not able to see him. How can you teach someone anything that you are not willing to practice with them yourself? We as teachers have to understand that teaching is not just giving someone the steps, but also performing these steps with our class, and practicing these steps with our students. I cannot stand to be in a classroom with a teacher who only reads the notes they made, I would rather have a teacher whom will hold my attention and make learning this skill fun for me. The author in this scenario makes his case very clear, because at the end of the video or in this case “class” when the time came to perform for the final exam none of the students can do the dance. How can I perform an action that was only read to me not practiced? Instead the steps should have been read off and then practiced with each student. The conculison of this video in my opinion was very head on. The conclusion was that if you don’t teach the skill behind the facts of a lesson, then your class will never be able to use this skill out in the real world.
Teaching in the 21st Century
Kevin Roberts
When I was a child, the most interesting thing to do was go outside, ride a bike, play with your friends, and watch TV. Now the most interesting thing to do is get on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Now let’s be clear, I’m addicted to all three of those social sites, but should our kids be. In this video, I think Roberts is trying to teach us that the very things we shame kids for being on are the very things to help them learn. I watched this video twice, the second time around I learned more. The one thing that stuck out to me the most was the quote “Teachers are no longer the main source of knowledge, we are the filters” was something that made me think. When I first saw this quote, I thought to myself that this isn’t true. The second time around it more sense, with all this technology in the world we aren’t the only ones teaching our children, but we filter the things they learn somewhere else. Roberts is simply teaching us that children learn in so many places, they can learn and access knowledge anywhere, any place, at anytime. With sites like Google any question or any word you don’t know you can simply Google it. Roberts points this out in the very beginning of the video. We as teachers have to learn how to teach our students to use these different resources, because who doesn’t Google. When we have questions as adults about things we don’t know the answers too we simply pull out our phones, or computers and Google the question. We should be able to teach our kids the same thing, we should teach them how to research questions they don’t know the answers to on their own. Roberts teaches us that we need to rethink the tools we use on a daily basis and how could they become a helping tool in the classroom. I think that what Roberts is debating is true, with all the technology in the world today why not use it to our advantage. This again touches on teaching skills, not just facts. I think that this will affect my teaching future in many ways, I as a teacher will need to be able to teach my students how to use their devices they have at home to be creative and solve problems given to them. Not just look for the answer but research and know why that is the correct answer with the very things and websites they use on a daily basis.
The Networked Student
Wendel Drexel
In this video the question asked is, why does a student who knows how to use every resource given to him needs a teacher. The answer to this question is that his teacher is the one that, guides him in the right direction, pushes him when things don’t seem to make sense anymore, teaches him how to determine what information is useful and what information is propaganda. This answer takes me back to the quote made in Teaching in the 21st Century, “Teachers are no longer the main source of knowledge, we are the filters. The teacher of this students allows him to use his resources, gives him guidance on how to use these resources but doesn’t just flat out give him the answer. The student sees the passion in how his teacher wants him to be able to use the facts that she gave him and turn them into a skill for him to use in his future. I believe every teacher should have that same passion and effect on their students. Your students should be able to tell others that you pushed them to be the best and do their very best in the long run.
Harness Your Student’s Digital Smarts
Vicki Davis
In this video Davis’s main idea or thesis is that, if you only use one way of learning only one type of student will learn. I would have to say that I absouletly agree with her. This in my opinion high fives the statement that you cannot just teach facts, you have to teach skills to go along with those facts. This teacher has gone above and beyond the simple ways of teaching to inspire her students to come to school each day and want to learn. I think she made a very valid point when she stated that students find it more interesting when they are able to figure things out on their own and teach a teacher. She stated that most teachers feel like they need to know everything before they begin teaching, when you should be open minded and learn along with you students. Anybody who has the attitude that they know it all, won’t be able to help those students who don’t learn the same way they do. I’ve learned along the way that not all people learn alike, while some of us need notes, there is always that one student who can remember by simply listening. If we don’t learn the same as our peers why should we teach our students all the same. Davis allows her students to research what they don’t know on their own, she says she shouldn’t have to tell them everything, she wants them to be able to use the resources available to them and determine the correct answer all on their own.
Flipping the Classroom
Flipping the classroom was new to me, I had never heard of it. After learning exactly what it was and how it works, I am a little stuck in the middle. In one way I think this idea has been around sending home instructions with a student and having a parent go over it with their child and the child then coming back with questions to ask has been going on for years. Even the students who don’t have computers at home but, are able to use the computers in the classroom does that not defeat the entire purpose of it not being flipped. The statement that its less boring and more fun to watch your teacher at home instead of in the classroom to me isn’t true, there are more distractions at home then there is at school, but that’s just my opinion. In other ways I can completely see how this will work, students will be allowed to use different resources to answer their own questions before they come to class. Even if the students still don’t understand then they will have time to ask the questions and properly use the resources in the classroom along with their teacher to help determine the correct answer to their question. To some students it may be exciting to see their teacher in a video and use their devices at home to see and do their class work. So you see where I’m stuck, I don’t think as a future teacher I would use this idea in my classroom, but I don’t see why someone else’s would it may just in fact work for them.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Practice Post
I was born on August 12,1987. My name is Alexis McSwain, I am the second oldest of 5, yes 5 girls. My parents are Stanley and Cynthia McSwain. My sisters are Ashleigh, Ariel, Alisha, and Adrienne, if you think because all of our names start with an A is confusing, just wait till you see us and figure out we all look alike. I have lived in Mobile, AL all my life, I absolutely love my city and I feel like it has so much to offer. When I first began thinking about college teaching wasn't my major, I think I was afraid to go after my dream.
After I graduated from school I attended Remington College to get my certificate in Medical Assisting. I finished school and went to work in a office for a week and figured out that this wasn't where I wanted or needed to be. I decided that it was time to put all those summers of playing school in my backyard to use. The day I started at South was one of the proudest days for me I felt like I was finally making progress on my life long dream. I picked the University of South Alabama because I didn't want to leave home and because my sister Ariel was already enrolled there. My passion for teaching has grown so much over the years, I want to be that teacher whose students want to come to school because learning is fun. I believe in teaching skills not just facts, because even though you know all these facts what are they of good use if you don't have a skill behind them.
People say to me all the time, "a teacher doesn't get paid a lot," to me it isn't about the money, it's about the effect I have on my students. I struggled in school, I know how it is to have a teacher who pushes you because they see and know the potential you have. I was blessed enough to have 4 very great teachers who did just that. My parents, who believed and supported me no matter what career path I chose, my 3rd grade teacher who is the reason I want to teach the 3rd grade, she made learning and school so much fun for me, my 7th grade language teacher who made me realize that English is my favorite subject and pushed me to write to the best of my ability, she also believed in me when I doubted myself, and my high school math teacher who with her helped I passed the math part of the graduation exam. Without these people in my life my passion for teaching would probably still just be a dream.
After I graduated from school I attended Remington College to get my certificate in Medical Assisting. I finished school and went to work in a office for a week and figured out that this wasn't where I wanted or needed to be. I decided that it was time to put all those summers of playing school in my backyard to use. The day I started at South was one of the proudest days for me I felt like I was finally making progress on my life long dream. I picked the University of South Alabama because I didn't want to leave home and because my sister Ariel was already enrolled there. My passion for teaching has grown so much over the years, I want to be that teacher whose students want to come to school because learning is fun. I believe in teaching skills not just facts, because even though you know all these facts what are they of good use if you don't have a skill behind them.
People say to me all the time, "a teacher doesn't get paid a lot," to me it isn't about the money, it's about the effect I have on my students. I struggled in school, I know how it is to have a teacher who pushes you because they see and know the potential you have. I was blessed enough to have 4 very great teachers who did just that. My parents, who believed and supported me no matter what career path I chose, my 3rd grade teacher who is the reason I want to teach the 3rd grade, she made learning and school so much fun for me, my 7th grade language teacher who made me realize that English is my favorite subject and pushed me to write to the best of my ability, she also believed in me when I doubted myself, and my high school math teacher who with her helped I passed the math part of the graduation exam. Without these people in my life my passion for teaching would probably still just be a dream.
My test post
This is my First
Post. I clicked the HTML button which I should always do in EDM310. I am now a Blogger!
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