Sunday, April 27, 2014

C4K April

The two blog post I had to read were from students at the PT England School. I enjoyed reading their post. Olivia talked about family time being spent together. She had some very interesting pictures of her and her family and friends added in on her blog post. While John talked about a game he played that helped him with math and problem solving. He left a link on his blog and I visited it. The game was really interesting, I truly enjoyed playing it. It took John only 7 guesses to catch the robbers while it took me 9. I enjoyed reading both students blog post and I cant wait to introduce these ideas to my students in the future.

Hi Olivia I'm Alexis McSwain. I'm a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading your post about fiafia. Me and my family have plenty of those. Any holiday that comes around we get together and eat and dance. Great job you taught me something new. Keep up the good work. Olivia @ pt England school


Hi John, my name is Alexis McSwain I'm a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. Your blog is really cool. You have to be very smart to only catch the robbers in 7 guesses, it took me 9!! Keep up the great work!

John's Game

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