Sunday, April 27, 2014

C4T #4

My last comment for teachers was a Physical Education Teacher. His blog was named just that , The Physical Education Teacher it was created and owned by Dylan Blain. I enjoyed reading his blogpost about technology in P.E., but the last blog post I commented on was blogged on August 5, 2013 and hasn't been much activity since then. Although he hasn't posted his blog about the use of iPads and different technology he used in his classes were quite interesting. Most people think of P.E. as just another credit to finish whatever grade or credit they need to make it out. But just like any other subject, its just as important. Then I read his next blog about using iPads to record different lessons and sending them to your colleagues. I thought that was a very helpful idea, because the best way to reach all of our students and to make sure they are all on the same page is by working together as a team.

Hello My name is Alexis McSwain. I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I think its a great idea to record different lessons and share them with colleagues. The best way to know if something works and make sure we are reaching all of our students is by team work. Excellent job. I think my professor would be excited to know that you are using technology is this way.

Hi! My name is Alexis McSwain. I am a n EDM310 student at the University of South Alabama. I have enjoyed reading your post. I’m not a physical education major this app is a great tool that teachers should know and use. Being in EDM310 it has taught me to look for things to not only help me, but help my students. This app most certainly does that.
Physical Education

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